Training for Undergraduate Volunteers

Reminder: Undergraduates participating in Covelo Clinic will need to be rabies vaccinated (full series completed or recent titer) and ideally will be able to carpool or provide transportation to Covelo.

Undergrad Duties: Post-Operative Recovery Care for Dogs and Cats

Description of Responsibility: As undergraduate volunteers, you will be assisting vet students with anesthetized patients (dogs and cats) while they are recovering or "waking up" from anesthesia after surgery.

At no point will you be left alone with a patient! If you are with a patient, a vet student will be there with you.

Your main job will be stationed in the recovery area where you will be responsible for:
- Keeping the recovery area tidy
- Taking rectal temperatures with a thermometer
- Trimming nails
- Microwaving "warmies" for patients
- Assisting vet students with gathering supplies for the patient

Temperature = 98 is GR8

All patients recovering from anesthesia need to ave a temperature of 98 degrees F and "awake" in order for them to be evaluated by a veterinarian prior to being put away into a kennel.

All thermometer probes should be inserted into a plastic sleeve and coated in lube prior to being inserted in the rectum of the patient. You can leave the sleeve inserted if you are using it only for that patient - if not please change sleeves in between patients.

No Mess Nail Trims

Only trim nails of patients that have it requested or need them.

Be careful to not make the pet bleed while you are trimming their nails by avoiding the quick of the nail. If you do happen to draw blood while trimming, please use the Qwik-Stop (a yellow powder) to pack the nail and prevent it from bleeding.

To clean blood off fur, wet some gauze with hydrogen peroxide and gently wipe the area. Be careful not to wipe hydrogen peroxide onto any open wounds or incision sites.

Remember, never do anything you are uncomfortable with. If you ever need help or have a concern, speak up and ask a veterinary student, technician, or doctor.

Your safety is our highest priority and we take that seriously! If you ever feel like you are in an unsafe situation, notify somebody immediately and remove yourself from the situation as safely as possible.

Rectal Temperature

A rectal temperature offers the most accessible and accurate measurements of a patient's internal temperature.

Make sure the metal part of the probe is gently but fully inserted into the rectum (with a sleeve and lube of course). Click the button and wait for the temperature to calibrate and beep. If you are unsure that the temperature is correct, take it again or use another thermometer probe.

Normal temperature in dogs and cats: 98-102 * F

Anatomy of Dog Claw