About Us
The Workers' Rights Clinic is a weekly clinic where law students provide low-income workers with legal information and referrals about problems they are facing at work. The clinic is a student-run organization with law student directors (Principal Officers) and law student counselors (volunteers) willing to spend an evening a week meeting with clients and helping them with their work related issues. The student directors are responsible for coordinating clinic meeting times and assisting student volunteers. On a typical clinic night, each law student volunteer meets with clients, discusses their clients' legal issues with a supervising attorney, and then provides the clients with their legal options. There is also a substantive law component to the clinic as every week a supervising attorney will give a presentation going over an area of substantive employment law prior to meeting with clients. The Legal Aid Society - Employment Law Center in San Francisco and the Center for Workers' Rights in Sacramento will provide the clinic with legal resources and the Center for Workers' Rights will assist in recruiting supervising attorneys to work with students.