About Us

The King Hall chapter of If/When/How: Law Students for Reproductive Justice is proud to be part of a national student-led non-profit network of law students and lawyers committed to fostering the next wave of legal experts for the reproductive justice movement. We envision a transformation of the legal systems and institutions that perpetuate oppression into structures that realize justice, and a future when all people can self-determine their reproductive lives free from discrimination, coercion, or violence. We believe this transformation starts with our immediate community at King Hall, and strive to create a space to explore reproductive justice through an intersectional framework and combination of education efforts, community building, and service-based activism and initiatives.









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Our Team

Rebecca Nathan Profile

Rebecca Nathan

2024-2025 Primary Leader
Michelle Calcany Blair Profile

Michelle Calcany Blair

2024-2025 Secondary Leader
Kiran Campone Profile

Kiran Campone

2024-2025 Treasurer/Financial Officer

E: osrunyan@ucdavis.edu

If/When/How Law Students for Reproductive Justice

1 Shields Ave
Davis California 95616
United States