About Us
Chinese Life Science Association(中国学生生命科学研习会,简称CLSA)是一个充满活力和创新精神的组织,于2023年8月成功注册于UCDavis,致力于为热爱生物科学的同学们提供学术支持和丰富多彩的校外活动;带领中国留学生们探索生命奥秘的小众未知领域;了解这个知识横跨微观细胞到宏观生态,领域纵横农业医疗到社会经济的魅力学科。 The Chinese Life Science Association (known as CLSA in short, and 中国学生生命科学研习会 in Mandarin) is a vibrant and innovative organization. Successfully registered at UCDavis in August 2023, CLSA is dedicated to providing academic support and a wide array of extracurricular activities for students passionate about biological sciences. We lead Chinese international students in exploring niche and lesser-known areas of the mysteries of life. Our association delves into this captivating discipline that spans knowledge from microscopic cells to macroscopic ecology, and covers domains ranging from agriculture and healthcare to socio-economics.