Student Life Impact Awards Info Session
Come to the Student Life Impact Award Info Sessions! We will go over the rubrics and general considerations for the applications, troubleshooting any technical difficulties, help you double check your eligibility, and answer frequently asked questions. All awards discussed during the info session are open to all to apply. Awards that were by nomination only will not be included in the info sessions.
The awards we will be discussing:
- Individual Student Awards
- Adams Award for Leadership in a Student Organization ($250)
- Civic Engagement Awards ($500 each)
- First Year Student
- Undergraduate Student
- Graduate Student
- Susan F. Regan Prytanean Award ($2,000 each)
- Student Promoting Advocacy and Redefining Community Award ($500)
- Commencement Awards (Must be graduating by the end of Summer Session)
- Social Justice and Inclusion Award ($1,000)
- Registered Student Organization Awards
- Civic Engagement Award ($1,000)
- Building Career Pathways Award ($200)
- The EXperiential Learning (EXL) Award ($200)
- Trailblazing Innovators Award ($200)